Thursday, December 13, 2012

How To Apply Checkers

Hi there and thank you for coming back! Here I want to show you how to lay your graphics on to monokote film without getting a sticky mess. I say sticky mess because on this case I am using the sticky kind of monokote for the red checkers. If you have been building RC airplanes this might be old news to you but if you are a newbie, you might learn something. So here we go.

First start by selecting where you are going to place your graphics. This works for any kind of graphic you want to layout on the monokote by the way. Then spray the whole area with Windex or any other similar product. I used windex because I had it on hand but you don't have to use windex you can also use soapy water on a spray bottle. Just fill with water and mix in some dish washing soap till you get some soapy water. Don't be bashful, saturate the area with the Windex or soapy water.

Now start laying your graphics. Now you will have the chance to position them anyway you like without them sticking and having to peel them away you can just reposition them.

Keep laying your whole setup.
Start removing the excess windex with a paper towel. Make sure everything is where you want it to be.
Now with an old credit card or similar object start squeezing out all the excess Windex. Make sure you don't move you graphics. Continue to squeeze out all the Windex and remove excess with paper towels.

By now things are starting to stick to the monokote. If you have to trim any pieces do it after you make sure they are not going to move.

 Clean up everything, and admire your work!

This also works with iron on monokote. Just cut your graphics, position them as you like, squeege out the Windex, clean up and iron the edges. Hope this works for you! If anybody has any suggestions on how to do it easier. Cheers.

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